Grey's Introduction to the Web
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Monday, 25 October 2010 DOCTYPES annoy me. Thank goodness for <!DOCTYPE html>. It's sad that XHTML is now obsolete, I quite liked the strict formatting rules provided by it. It made things so much more consistent and pretty. Styles, scripts and meta information go in the head, although the only element it requires is title. Everything that is to be displayed goes into the body. Styles and scripts can also be put into the body, it's not recommended to do it with styles, but it is with scripts. Large Javascript files can slow down a page load immensely, even though they aren't going to start running until the whole page is loaded anyway. It's typically recommended that scripts go at the bottom of the page, above the closing body tag, so that the important parts of the page can load before the fancypants scripty parts. CSS is awesome. Separation of layout and content FTW. (In high school, whenever I mentioned CSS people thought I was talking about Counter Strike: Source...) The i tag (for italics) is being phased out, as it's a tag used for formatting text, and not to denote it's content. Quirks mode is funny. Also a good blog. Web Counter |
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